New technology tissue purification therapy for chronic cervicitis

New technology tissue purification therapy for chronic cervicitis

Tissue purification therapy is the best and most ideal method for the treatment of cervicitis in today’s new technology. This therapy is a new technology invented by Professor Zhang Junfa, director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Shanghai Tongji Hospital in the late 1990s and a tutor for postgraduate students. When local diseased tissue occurs, a hyperthermic effect is produced instantaneously to achieve the purpose of tissue coagulation, and coagulation thrombosis occurs to stop bleeding. The surface of the cervix is ​​smooth, the texture is soft, and the color is ruddy. It has the effect of cervical plastic surgery, does not affect fertility, and has no adverse consequences. It is the most ideal choice for treating patients with chronic cervicitis and cervical erosion so far.
Precautions before and after tissue purification therapy surgery:
1. Check leucorrhea before operation. If the cleanliness is above Ⅲ° or there are Trichomonas, Mycoplasma, and Epiplasma, vaginitis should be treated first.
2. Preoperative cervical smear to discharge cancerous lesions and cervical cancer.
3. Preoperative colposcopy film is reserved for comparison after operation.
4. No sexual intercourse within 7 days after menstruation is clean.
5. There will be light yellow exudate in the vagina within 7 days after the operation, and light red exudate around 10 days, which is a normal recovery process.
6. Keep the perineum clean after surgery, twice a day.
7. Come to the doctor for cleaning and medicine every two weeks after the operation until it is completely healed.
8. Postoperative intercourse ban for 2 months
If chronic cervicitis is not treated in time, systemic symptoms and local symptoms will be aggravated, such as vaginal secretions increase and become purulent, cervical congestion, edema, touch blood, and necrosis to form ulcers. Biopsy shows mucosal changes, and then ascending infection causes endometritis, salpingitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, lumbosacral pain, and abdominal discomfort. In recent years, the relationship between mycoplasma infection and infertility has attracted more and more attention. , No matter which part of the reproductive tract is infected by mycoplasma, it will cause a considerable number of fallopian tube disorders and cause infertility.

Post time: May-12-2022