Analysis on the Quality Control of Blood Viscosity Measurement

Analysis on the Quality Control of Blood Viscosity Measurement

1. The preparation of subjects and the collection of blood samples are complicated due to many factors affecting blood viscosity. Therefore, before collecting blood samples, subjects are required to pay attention to daily life, diet, exercise, drugs, etc. It is generally advisable to collect blood on an empty stomach in the morning.
The anterior cubital vein is generally selected as the blood collection site, and the venous block time should be shortened as much as possible during blood collection. Blood collection is generally done with a one-time closed vacuum quantitative blood collection tube (containing heparin). , PCO2, HC fly and PH and other changes affect the rheology of blood.

2. Anticoagulants and the inner wall of the blood container are very easy to coagulate. Therefore, an appropriate amount of anticoagulant should be added when collecting blood. Generally, heparin is used, and the dosage of heparin is 10-20IU/ml blood to avoid platelet aggregation and red blood cell changes . High-quality blood samples are the primary guarantee for the accuracy of the test results. The inner wall of the disposable closed vacuum blood collection tube has been treated with anti-sticking and anti-static, and the tube is sterile. Therefore, it is best to use a vacuum blood collection tube.

Post time: Jan-25-2022