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Blood collection steps

Blood collection steps

Check the test sheet, ask the medical history, check whether the patient’s name, gender, age and other items on the test sheet are consistent with the patient. Patient examination requires fasting blood test items. Ask the patient whether there is no energy intake within 8 hours, and ask the patient if he has not had energy intake before the test. Have enough rest; if you need to add items, please contact the doctor who issued the test application form and ask the patient to prepare. (“Please roll up the sleeve of your left hand, straighten your hand, and clench your fist.”) You should coax and persuade your child to avoid violent agitation and crying. Reassure patients who are nervous or have a history of haemorrhage (“you can turn your back and you’ll get better soon”).
Preparation of blood collection equipment: select the corresponding vacuum blood collection tube; and record the collection time.
Puncture blood vessels: tie the cuff, observe the direction of the blood vessel, select the puncture point, and loosen the cuff (the cuff should not be compressed for more than 1 minute). The patient who is undergoing infusion must not collect blood from the same side, let alone use the original Some infusion needles are used for blood collection.
Disinfection: Take the puncture point as the center of the circle, and apply it in a spiral shape from the inside to the outside with a cotton swab dipped in iodophor. The disinfection range is about 3 cm in diameter. Note that the disinfected area cannot be re-smeared. The cotton swab must also be applied at the same time during the application process. rotate.
Sampling and mixing: Wait for the iodophor to dry (you must wait until it is dry, otherwise the disinfection effect will not be achieved), tie the pressure cuff again, and puncture the needle at a 15° angle to the arm with the needle flat facing upwards. It is best to see blood. Immediately after removing the blood collection tube, invert 8 times to mix.
When taking classes, ask the patient how they feel (if there is palpitation, dizziness, etc.), when there is an abnormality, such as:
· Immediately withdraw the needle and give first aid when the patient is sweating, pale, fainting
· If the operation fails, obtain the patient’s forgiveness and perform the operation again (“Sorry, I need to take blood again due to… Please forgive me”). Sampling should be completed within 1 minute.
Hemostasis: After blood collection, untie the cuff, and after withdrawing the needle, ask the patient to “press the cotton ball with your fingers, straighten your hand and lift it above the heart, and keep it for two minutes” (if it is a patient with bleeding tendency such as purpura, ITP, blood disease, etc.) Wait for 5 to 10 minutes until no blood oozes out).

Post time: Feb-09-2022