How do STERILE urine samples be collected

If you need to submit urine for testing, it is very important that your sample is sterile so that your test results are accurate. Fortunately, the process is very simple. Before collecting a sample, you should first clean your genital area with a sterile cloth and then use a sterile cup to collect urine. Finally, store the sterile cup in the refrigerator for 24 hours or give it to your provider.

Step 1: Get the test kit from your doctor, either a sterile plastic container or a kit.

Tools must be obtained from your doctor, a sterile plastic container or a kit to ensure your samples are sterile.

Do not touch the inside of the cup or lid. Also, don’t put anything in the cup, including soap and water. This might contaminate it.

Variation: If you are taking samples from infants, get a plastic bag from your doctor with adhesive on the end. After washing your baby’s genitals with soap and water, apply the adhesive to the entire penis or labia. Then, check the bag often and remove it when there is urine in it.


Step 2. Label the container with your name, date of birth and today’s date.

Use a marker to write your message on the cup. Make sure your text is clear and legible so that lab technicians know the sample is yours.

If your container has sticker labels, you can use a pen instead of a marker.


Step 3. Wash your hands with soap and warm water.

Rinse your hands and wrists with warm water. Then, rub soap on your palms and knead them together to create lather. Scrub your hands and wrists for at least 30 seconds to make sure they’re clean. Then, rinse off all the soap with warm water.

Pat dry with a clean towel.


Step 4. Wipe your genitals with disinfectant wipes to prevent contamination.

Your genital area surrounded by bacteria is normal, so you need to clean it. Wipe the area with a disinfecting paper towel. Your doctor or kit should provide you with a small towel.

To clean your vagina, open your labia with your fingers and wipe the inside of your labia from front to back. Next, clean the urethra in front of the vaginal opening with a new cloth.

To clean the penis, wipe the head of the penis. If you have a foreskin, push it back to clean the entire area.


Post time: Oct-20-2021